Thursday, March 29, 2012


Leaving arequipa momentarily.
It's been an adventure..
The ocean refuses no river and you can't stay mad at the setting sun.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Finishing up..

The end is near. I have 3 days of teaching left then on thursday evening I am leaving for cusco. Then a few days on the inca trail to machu pichu.. Then take a plane up to see the nazca lines.. And then I think we go to one or two other places before I arrive in Lima. Then Sunday I begin my extensive journey home.

Depart Lima 11 am, then Fort lauderdale, Dallas, Mesa, Phoenix, Los angeles, and finally monterey arriving 9 am. It's going to be exhausting, but I'll be home at last.

My teaching experience here has definitely been quite different to Ecuador. I've still appreciated it, but its closer to the city and less remote. Which you can see in the kids and the simple way they react to things. The poverty level was much lower in those mountains in Ecuador. Seeing 8-10 year old kids with full responsibility for taking care of their younger siblings. With cooking skills that surpass most grown adults I know in the states.

Anyways, I'm getting all reminiscent already.

Synopsis: 4 more days in arequipa, 'adventure week', lima, lots of airplanes and airports, home.


I looked back on my blog from my final days in Spain, and find it fitting to quote my brother once again..


"I return to my birthplace in Santa Cruz, CA for several days, before flying north to Alaska to try to find a fishing boat to work on. Sometimes, we need to find oceans of solace for our minds to be free from the usual mental constraints of everyday busy urban lifestyle. The ocean is a place for the mind to wander, and for words and thoughts to germinate into poetry and prose. Unfortunately the altered state of mind known as cabin fever does sweep through the bays and inlets from time to time. From there, unknown countries and roads beckon me onward. For some the ability to recreate oneself in a fresh environment, exiled from certain unfavorable memories contained within the habitats of the past, is accomplished through the addictive remedy of wandering from place to place.


But these movements cycle and the travels and conversations with strangers and friends strengthen the ability to connect to the world. Events and people circulate and the swirling ocean of time twists and turns and tosses those who choose to ride its treacherous currents. As friends and lovers ebb and flow in and out of your life, your love for them accumulates within that singularity of time, that eternal moment, forever entwined within the tremendous mystery of the moibus strip of time. The people you meet and the lives you affect are changed forever. And even though you might just have more goodbyes when you leave, you will have just as much people to smile and hug you upon your return. How would we know how or what or who to love without loss or heartache? With every pain we learn the extent of pure love. Most times, loss is the only means to truly know how much the people we love mean to us. "



Tuesday, March 20, 2012

St Paddys weekend!

This weekend was good. Friday was very laid back and saturday morning Jamie, Owen, iain, and I went on a downhill biking excursion down the nearby volcanoe Chichani. After a 3.5 hour bus ride up to the top, around 15,500 feet.
The bikes we used were pretty crap.. But it was fun getting to be on a bike again. The descent was pretty rocky and I took one spill over the bars and scraped up my knee and leg. The few parts that had some uphill were the worst part. Due to altitude, oxygen was hard to come by.. After the
bike ride, we headed back to a hostel that has a pool and let our muscles relax.
Johan finally made it down from Ecuador, and it was really good to see him. He's been traveling around Peru and Ecuador for the last few weeks. His volunteering time ended when we left and came to Peru.
I also met a guy from petersburg, Alaska who has worked in prince William sound for the last couple years. He was pretty sure that we had met before, and had been on the Orion as well. Never thought I'd run into some one from Alaska down here!

So ya, overall had a good weekend with my friends.

It feels weird that I will be leaving here so soon..
I'm going to miss south America.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cañon de colca

So as I said in my last post, I went to the colca canyon this past weekend.

Day 1: Friday, 3am a bus came and picked up me and a few other volunteers. Jaime from Scotland, Philip from Sweden, my old host brother iain from scotland, and Kyle Anne from the states.

The bus ride was about three and a half hours to where we began our downward trek. It was a fun hike down, every now and then a mule, donkey, or horse would pass us heading the opposite direction packed with a load and a Peruvian close behind listening to his portable radio.

We finally reached the hbottom and arrived at a compound of huts. Lunch was ready shortly after we arrived which consisted of rice, veggies, and alpaca meat. Very rich and delicious meat.

After a siesta, we played cards until dinner was ready. Another dish around alpaca meat.

The next day we left around 8:30 am and hiked down the valley passing a few small sleepy villages. Finally around 12:30 we reached one of my new favorite places. A small oasis nestled up against the rushing river. There was a small pool and majestic views. The pool felt so good after hiking for hours in the hot and dry valley.

The afternoon was spent lounging and relaxing and evening soon came with thunder and lightning.

The next day, we were a bit late leaving due to our tour guide drinking a bit too much the night before. I didn't mind too much, 5:30 felt a bit early anyways.

We began out ascent out of the canyon and I said goodbye to the most wonderful place.

The hike up was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I guess I wasnt focusing much on the distance and more on the spectacular scenery and wildlife around me. Condors soaring overhead and distant snow capped mountains were a good distraction.

Before I knew it, we had reached the top. Looking down at the small spec of the oasis that we had stayed at the night before.


Overall, I would say this has been the best weekend since I've been here. :)


For now, back to school and lookin forward to st pattys and more adventures to come!



Monday, March 12, 2012

Cities and canyons

*note: this post should have been published on Thursday

So I've been putting off writing about peru in great depth until I really had something to say and an opinion on it. Coming up on two weeks of being here, I've begun to experience more of this city.
So I guess I'll start with school. It's been hectic, good.. But hectic. Since its the beginning of the school year for them, it's kind of a weird in between point right now. I was originally going to be teaching kindergarten.. Mostly 4 year olds. But most of the parents forgot to sign there kids up, so that will start next week. So during this time, one of the other volunteers has been painting the kindergarten classroom with some artwork. I have been covering his class, which has been the big challenge. I started with 4 kids on Monday, and today it has grown to 9: 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. Planning lessons that range all of their grade levels and keep everyone entertained and occupied has been interesting..
Every now and then, I get them all settled and working on something and that right there feels like an amazing accomplishment. Haha

As far as my life outside of school, it's much different being in a big city. After school there's things to do, parks to relax in, and markets to explore.
My host family continues to be amazing. Of the five host families I have stayed with in the past few years in various countries, this one is by far the best and my favorite. :)
I wake up in the morning and have breakfast with fresh bread, hot chocolate, mocha, or some sort of maté. Then when I return in the evening, my bed is made, laundry is done, and dinner is ready with a big pitcher of a warm sweet tea. The food is simple but delicious. There's just simple things that they do or say that just makes them the best host family.

As far as weekend plans! I'm heading to the colca canyon tomorrow morning at 3 am until Sunday. Apparently, it's the deepest canyon in the world. So that will be cool to see. After hiking to the bottom there's hot springs that you can swim in upon arrival, then hike out the next day.
It will be nice to get out of the city and out of civilization. Mini-cation!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Books and beaches

Today I went to the beach. A place called mollendo. First time seeing the ocean in a little over 6 weeks. It was a good reunion.