So as I said in my last post, I went to the colca canyon this past weekend.
Day 1: Friday, 3am a bus came and picked up me and a few other volunteers. Jaime from Scotland, Philip from Sweden, my old host brother iain from scotland, and Kyle Anne from the states.
The bus ride was about three and a half hours to where we began our downward trek. It was a fun hike down, every now and then a mule, donkey, or horse would pass us heading the opposite direction packed with a load and a Peruvian close behind listening to his portable radio.
We finally reached the hbottom and arrived at a compound of huts. Lunch was ready shortly after we arrived which consisted of rice, veggies, and alpaca meat. Very rich and delicious meat.
After a siesta, we played cards until dinner was ready. Another dish around alpaca meat.
The next day we left around 8:30 am and hiked down the valley passing a few small sleepy villages. Finally around 12:30 we reached one of my new favorite places. A small oasis nestled up against the rushing river. There was a small pool and majestic views. The pool felt so good after hiking for hours in the hot and dry valley.
The afternoon was spent lounging and relaxing and evening soon came with thunder and lightning.
The next day, we were a bit late leaving due to our tour guide drinking a bit too much the night before. I didn't mind too much, 5:30 felt a bit early anyways.
We began out ascent out of the canyon and I said goodbye to the most wonderful place.
The hike up was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I guess I wasnt focusing much on the distance and more on the spectacular scenery and wildlife around me. Condors soaring overhead and distant snow capped mountains were a good distraction.
Before I knew it, we had reached the top. Looking down at the small spec of the oasis that we had stayed at the night before.
Overall, I would say this has been the best weekend since I've been here. :)
For now, back to school and lookin forward to st pattys and more adventures to come!