It has been an interesting week here in Otavalo.. Feels like I've already been here for months, weird to think it hasn't even been a full week. Wow, thinking about that is mind blowing.. Haha, kind of hard to explain. I really enjoy this town though, it's surrounded by volcanoes and beautiful scenery. The weather is pretty weird, it rains everyday. Starts out sunny in the morning, then around 3 starts to rain for a bit.. Then it stops for the rest of the evening, then usually rains over night. My Spanish teacher said the rain is like the emotions of a woman.. Completely unpredictable, and changes very often.
Today we took a trip out to lago san Pablo. Simply spectacular. Huge volcanoes (inactive) rising up on either sides of it, with farm fields going up the sides. Corn is very common and they have many types that they grow. For $1.50 each, a guy took us out on his boat around the lake.
After our little excursion, we stopped by a market where I bought an amazingly delicious avocado and a couple lemons. 75 cents later, I was the most satisfied and content boy this side of the equator. :)
Tonight, I went with a couple other volunteers from holland and England to play soccer against some of the locals. We tried to play on the astroturf field, but there was some confusion with the reservation.. So we went down the street a ways, where there was just a street court set up. Not ideal, but much better than nothing! It felt so good to run around and play soccer again. I don't think I've played a proper game since Spain? I miss playing.. Its a bit more challenging here, because of the altitude.. But I'm sure I'll get used to it. Either that or I'm just really out of shape. Haha but ya, it was cool the gringos vs the ecuadorians! Even more cool is that we won :D
Tomorrow I think we are going up to this place called las cascadas, basically waterfalls and such. Definitely bringing the camera! So I'll put some pics up tomorrow night hopefully.
Then! Saturday we are going to a city called Mindo for the weekend! Very very very excited for this, itinerary includes tubing down a river, zip lining through the rainforest, hiking through a 'cloud forest' and of course relaxing in hammocks. What more could you want?
So thats about it! Onward and upward! Learning something new everyday and meeting spectacular people.
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