Mm, where to start. It's been a long week, been falling asleep around 7:45-8 all week. Aside from last night, because we do a group dinner every Wednesday.
Today was a bit rough. Teaching is such a challenge here. Today especially.. It was frustrating. Plus I didn't get to bed as early as I had hoped last night. Sleeping on the bus and truck is a futile effort. So I got a bit sick today due to lack of sleep perhaps. Bleh, no fun having an aching body and kids that are talking, yelling, and having no desire to listen to anything.
So enough of my bitching. After lunch, a couple advil, and a little soccer game.. Things got better :)
We got to make planes with the kids out of styrofoam. Similar to those wooden packs my dad used to get me from the lumber yard. I made a template last night and the kids all traced out their own and painted them all sorts of colors. Made a great big mess in the classroom but there were smiles on all their faces. And that's what it's all for I guess, so cliche.. I know. But really, after spending 2 hours on teaching north, south, east, and west and not making any progress at all... Seeing them put an airplane together, and be so excited about it. It's relieving. Haha
Coming here with zero teaching experience, I have to think about those who taught me the best and in ways that werent boring and aggravating. I think about the ways my mom worked with me when I was homeschooled. Taking me outside, instead of keeping me cooped up. Relating my lessons to things I enjoyed and wanted to learn about. Among many other techiniques and teaching methods she got her lessons across. In addition to her, I reflect on some of my teachers at mv..
Mr. Bryant: the 'cool' teacher that everybody still respected.. The ways he would discipline his students but not in a way that made you angry. But very reasonable..
Mr. Watson: so excited about what he was teaching, but he too got exasperated at times when his students didnt give any regard to the things he was so passionate about.
Mrs. Richards: always had a smile on her face.. I see now how hard that is. 8th graders are not an easy crowd, but no matter what she was always smiling.
I hope by the end of this time, I can replicate some of my favorite attributes of the people who have taught me. I never wanted to be an authority figure, and I feel like I am becoming one to these kids.. But how else can you go about having someone listen to you unless you show your authority? There has got to be a better way or at least a different one.
Well, all I can say is im definitely glad it's Friday tomorrow. I could use a few Friday brews..
Still deciding on my weekend adventure..
Bus travel around here is about 25-45 cents each way. Definitely need to go explore somewhere with prices like that! :)
Also been reading road to titicata (thanks mom) on the way to school.. Hmm, perhaps an outline for the next adventure? Who knows..
So on that same subject, somehow my mom gave me so many essentials for this trip for christmas. Such as that book, a box of mckenzies chocolates for days like today.. Socks?!? Never had such awesome socks. My feet thank you mother.
Oniell beanie: hangin out at 11,500 feet gets chilly.. Beanie is a must. Gift cert to helm: bought jacket that I wear every single day. Don't know whatd I do without it.
Granola bars/assorted homemade candies: for those midday munchies pick me ups..
So, ya momma knows what's up!! Didn't realize it at the time, but best christmas ever?! :)
Bleh, so came home after lesson planning and fell into a feverish sleep from 4-8.. Feeling a little better now, but hopefully tomorrow goes ok. Ugh, being borderline sick sucks. :/